This year our Dean Crain award goes to Susan Ness.   Congratulations on this well-deserved honour. 
Rotary is a family.  Dean Crain was Bill’s ‘brother’, charming, thoughtful and energetic.  Although Dean knew early on in life that he was susceptible to Huntington’s, he never changed his style.  This award came about years ago to honour him.  Every year, our members consider the four criteria for the Dean Crain Award: honesty, courage, integrity and determination.  This year’s recipient personifies all four.  They are honest, stating their ideas clearly without fear of speaking out and apologizes for any ill will.  They seldom share their challenges with anyone and deal with them privately and courageously finding the best way forward for all concerned. This person has integrity more than most, sticks to the four-way test in every aspect of their life, upholding the values of rotary by offering assistance in many ways.  Their determination is seen in the many volunteer opportunities they undertake and stick with, even when some might think it’s a lost cause, and they have done this consistently throughout the years.  Every recipient says they’re stunned, and asks ‘why me’?  But this year we truly believe that this award will make a difference in this person’s life.  Congratulations to Susan Ness!