Rare Disease Day is on Feb. 29, raising awareness and generating change for the 300 million people worldwide living with a rare disease, and for their families and caregivers. Our guest this morning was Michelle Bassi, whose son has been diagnosed with SLC6A1, a rare disorder that causes seizures, severe movement and speech disorders, and intellectual disability. Michelle is relentless in advocating for her son.
Michelle's son Chase is a determined, funny, kind, enthusiastic little boy who loves music, watches sports, loves school, and wants to be included with his peers and his big brother. During his early months, Michelle’s motherly intuition told her that something was amiss, and after a long diagnostic journey, Chase was diagnosed with SLC6A1, a rare disorder that causes seizures, severe movement and speech disorders, and intellectual disability. Both Michelle and Chase are relentless in helping Chase be the best he can be.